
作者:管理员发布时间:2020-09-05 16:08:47浏览次数:1197


  With the development of China's foreign trade getting better and better, financial translation has a great influence in this respect. What are the skills of financial translation shared by Shanghai Zhenyun translation company?

  首先,一定要避免在专业上的误译,漏译。这是绝对要注意的。做任何领域的翻译都不能不懂装懂,不懂就问,这不是一件丢人的事情,但是不懂装懂的话最后闹出笑话是可耻的。在金融领域的范畴内,如果仅仅从词典的意义中去检索, 很可能造成误译, 轻则闹笑话, 重则带来经济上的巨大损失。

  First of all, we must avoid professional mistranslation and omission. It is absolutely necessary to pay attention to this. Do any field of translation can not pretend to understand, do not understand asked, this is not a disgrace, but do not know pretend to understand the words, finally make a joke is shameful. In the field of finance, if we only search from the meaning of the dictionary, it is likely to cause mistranslation, which may lead to jokes at least and huge economic losses.


  Secondly, we should learn to grasp the extraordinary context. In the field of financial translation, many words have different meanings, which can be extended to special meanings. There are many similar translations in the field of financial translation, so translators need to pay more attention to it.

  金融语体是比较正式的语体。它的正式性主要体现在金融术语的运用上,金融术语大致可以分为两种, 一种是金融特有的术语, 它们仅出现在或绝大多数情况下出现在金融语体中。

  Financial style is a more formal style. Its formality is mainly reflected in the use of financial terms. Financial terms can be roughly divided into two types. One is financial specific terms, which only appear in or most of the time in financial language.




