
作者:管理员发布时间:2019-12-03 15:52:53浏览次数:2056


  The development of internationalization has promoted the progress of translation market and given many translators more opportunities to show themselves. Now, Shanghai Zhenyun artificial translation agency will share with you what are the requirements for translators selected by translation companies?


  First of all, it is basic, that is to say, solid basic skills. It requires a solid bilingual ability. Translators need less ability to master two languages, accumulate a large number of vocabulary, and read a large number of articles.


  Secondly, we need to master a lot of extra-curricular knowledge. We need translators to read the whole book. We need to know a lot of knowledge. We need to know a wide range of fields, not to mention many specialties, at least, so as to ensure that we can be more handy in the process of translation.


  We need to have a deep understanding of culture, understand the cultural history of the two familiar languages. Apart from the differences in languages, different countries have different historical cultures and customs. Translation is an important factor connecting the two countries. Therefore, we need to be familiar with the cultural differences and have a deep understanding of both cultures.


  When the translator comes for an interview, in order to better understand the level of the translator, you can make a test for the translator, and check it through a professional translator, so as to determine whether it is qualified and meets the requirements. After that, an interpreter can translate about 3000 words every day. The length and efficiency of translation practice is also very important.




