
作者:管理员发布时间:2019-11-24 18:37:37浏览次数:1815


  Translation plays a very important role in the development. What are the translation skills that Shanghai Zhenyun artificial translation agency needs to share with you?


  The first is, of course, the ability of language. The most important thing in translation is to know clearly the meaning of the original text and express it clearly and perfectly. Therefore, translators must have solid language skills, not only in English, but also in Chinese. They need to master both languages thoroughly.


  The second is professional knowledge and investigation ability. For Shanghai translation company, if you want to do a good job in translation, you need to contact a wide range of industries. Many words in different industries have different meanings. You can't just stay on the surface. If you don't have relevant professional knowledge, you can't translate this meaning very accurately. But even if we master a lot of professional knowledge, there will be some unknown words, which requires us to investigate the investigation ability of the interpreter. We should obtain information through different methods, make up for the lack of knowledge greatly, summarize the experience in the actual combat constantly, and improve our investigation ability.


  Finally, translation ability. No matter how clear and thorough you understand the original text, if you can't translate it into the target language, it's meaningless. Translation is not only to be faithful to the original text, but also to translate it into words that are easy for readers to understand. It also needs to show the emotion that the author wants to express incisively and vividly. This is to improve the translator's translation ability.




